getBrokerName (SDK Trading)

getBrokerName is a Fintechee API to get the broker name of the specific pending order or open trade.

  • If the parameter is a pending order, then you get the broker name of the pending order that you sent.
  • If the parameter is a open trade, then you get the broker name of the open trade that has been executed.

getBrokerName(orderOrTrade) ⇒ string

EA SDK This function gets the broker name of the specific pending order or open trade. Phase (this API's scope): onTick | deinit

Kind: global function
Returns: string - broker name.

Param Type Description
orderOrTrade object specific pending order or open trade

getBrokerName (SDK Trading)

"An EA to test APIs",
function (context) { // Init()
function (context) { // Deinit()
function (context) { // OnTick()
    var length = getPendingOrdersListLength(context)
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        var pendingOrder = getPendingOrder(context, i)
        if (pendingOrder != null) {
            var brokerName = getBrokerName(pendingOrder)

    length = getOpenTradesListLength(context)
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        var openTrade = getOpenTrade(context, i)
        if (openTrade != null) {
            var brokerName = getBrokerName(openTrade)