A test EA generated by Expert Advisor Studio (4th pattern)

This EA is generated by Expert Advisor Studio. It is based on the fourth pattern: Candlesticks with the Same Color.

A test EA generated by Expert Advisor Studio (4th pattern)

   "A test EA based on nonindicator",
   [{ // parameters
       name: "period",
       value: 3,
       required: true,
       range: [1, 100]
   function (context) { // Init()
       var account = getAccount(context, 0)
       var brokerName = getBrokerNameOfAccount(account)
       var accountId = getAccountIdOfAccount(account)
       var symbolName = "EUR/USD"
       getQuotes(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName)
       window.chartHandle = getChartHandle(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName, TIME_FRAME.M1)
   function(context) { // Deinit()
       delete window.currTime
   function(context) { // OnTick()
       var arrTime = getData(context, window.chartHandle, DATA_NAME.TIME)
       if (typeof window.currTime == "undefined") {
           window.currTime = arrTime[arrTime.length - 1]
       } else if (window.currTime != arrTime[arrTime.length - 1]) {
           window.currTime = arrTime[arrTime.length - 1]
       } else {
       var account = getAccount(context, 0)
       var brokerName = getAccountIdOfAccount(account)
       var accountId = getAccountIdOfAccount(account)
       var symbolName = "EUR/USD"
       var period = getEAParameter(context, "period")
       var arrClose = getData(context, window.chartHandle, DATA_NAME.CLOSE)
       var arrOpen = getData(context, window.chartHandle, DATA_NAME.OPEN)
       var ask = getAsk(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName)
       var bid = getBid(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName)
       var limitPrice = 0.0003
       var stopPrice = 0.0003
       var volume = 0.01
       var buyOrSell = "neither"
       for (var i = 1; i <= period; i++) {
           if (arrClose[arrClose.length - i] - arrOpen[arrOpen.length - i] > 0 && (buyOrSell == "buy" || i == 1)) {
               buyOrSell = "buy"
           } else if (arrClose[arrClose.length - i] - arrOpen[arrOpen.length - i] < 0 && (buyOrSell == "sell" || i == 1)) {
               buyOrSell = "sell"
           } else {
               buyOrSell = "neither"
       if (buyOrSell == "buy") {
           sendOrder(brokerName, accountId, symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_BUYLIMIT, ask - limitPrice, 0, volume, ask + limitPrice, bid - 3 * stopPrice, "")
       } else if (buyOrSell == "sell") {
           sendOrder(brokerName, accountId, symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_SELLLIMIT, bid + limitPrice, 0, volume, bid - limitPrice, ask + 3 * stopPrice, "")