A test EA based on SMA (SDK Trading)

When the close price goes up over the Simple Moving Average, this EA will send an order to go long. When the close price goes down cross the Simple Moving Average, this EA will send an order to go short.

A test EA based on SMA (SDK Trading)

"A test EA based on sma",
[{ // parameters
	name: "period",
	value: 20,
	required: true,
	range: [1, 100]
function (context) { // Init()
	var account = getAccount(context, 0)
	var brokerName = getBrokerNameOfAccount(account)
	var accountId = getAccountIdOfAccount(account)
	var symbolName = "EUR/USD"

	getQuotes (context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName)
	window.chartHandle = getChartHandle(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName, TIME_FRAME.M1)
	var period = getEAParameter(context, "period")
	window.indiHandle = getIndicatorHandle(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName, TIME_FRAME.M1, "sma", [{
		name: "period",
		value: period
function (context) { // Deinit()
	delete window.currTime
function (context) { // OnTick()
	var arrTime = getData(context, window.chartHandle, DATA_NAME.TIME)
	if (typeof window.currTime == "undefined") {
		window.currTime = arrTime[arrTime.length - 1]
	} else if (window.currTime != arrTime[arrTime.length - 1]) {
		window.currTime = arrTime[arrTime.length - 1]
	} else {

	var account = getAccount(context, 0)
	var brokerName = getBrokerNameOfAccount(account)
	var accountId = getAccountIdOfAccount(account)
	var symbolName = "EUR/USD"

	var arrClose = getData(context, window.chartHandle, DATA_NAME.CLOSE)
	var arrSma = getData(context, window.indiHandle, "sma")

	var ask = getAsk(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName)
	var bid = getBid(context, brokerName, accountId, symbolName)
	var limitPrice = 0.0003
	var stopPrice = 0.0003
	var volume = 0.01

	if (arrClose[arrClose.length - 3] < arrSma[arrSma.length - 3] && arrClose[arrClose.length - 2] > arrSma[arrSma.length - 2]) {
		sendOrder(brokerName, accountId, symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_BUYLIMIT, ask-limitPrice, 0, volume, ask+limitPrice, bid-3*stopPrice, "")
	} else if (arrClose[arrClose.length - 3] > arrSma[arrSma.length - 3] && arrClose[arrClose.length - 2] < arrSma[arrSma.length - 2]) {
		sendOrder(brokerName, accountId, symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_SELLLIMIT, bid+limitPrice, 0, volume, bid-limitPrice, ask+3*stopPrice, "")