Trading Arbitrage (SDK Trading)

Trading Arbitrage is a trade that profits by exploiting the price differences of identical or similar financial instruments in different forms or on different financial markets.

Trading Arbitrage (SDK Trading)

"Two accounts signed up on the different servers are required to trade arbitrage. Additionally please make sure that you have signed in to both accounts and logged out from the accounts in investor mode.",
[],// parameters
function (context) { // Init()
	var account1 = getAccount(context, 0)
	var account2 = getAccount(context, 1)

	var acc1 = {
		brokerName: getBrokerNameOfAccount(account1),
		accountId: getAccountIdOfAccount(account1),
		symbolName: "EUR/USD"
	var acc2 = {
		brokerName: getBrokerNameOfAccount(account2),
		accountId: getAccountIdOfAccount(account2),
		symbolName: "EUR/USD"

	getQuotes (context, acc1.brokerName, acc1.accountId, acc1.symbolName)
	getQuotes (context, acc2.brokerName, acc2.accountId, acc2.symbolName)

	window.acc1 = acc1
	window.acc2 = acc2
function (context) { // Deinit()
	delete window.currTime
function (context) { // OnTick()
	var currTime = new Date().getTime()
	if (typeof window.currTime == "undefined") {
		window.currTime = currTime
	} else if (window.currTime <= currTime - 1000) {
		window.currTime = currTime
	} else {

	var acc1 = window.acc1
	var acc2 = window.acc2

	var ask1 = getAsk(context, acc1.brokerName, acc1.accountId, acc1.symbolName)
	var ask2 = getAsk(context, acc2.brokerName, acc2.accountId, acc2.symbolName)
	var bid1 = getBid(context, acc1.brokerName, acc1.accountId, acc1.symbolName)
	var bid2 = getBid(context, acc2.brokerName, acc2.accountId, acc2.symbolName)

	var volume = 0.01

	if (ask1 < bid2) {
		var tradeNum = getOpenTradesListLength(context)

		var acc1TradeId = null
		var acc2TradeId = null

		for (var i = tradeNum - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			var trade = getOpenTrade(context, i)
			var brokerName = getBrokerName(trade)
			var accountId = getAccountId(trade)
			var tradeId = getTradeId(trade)
			var orderType = getOrderType(trade)
			if (brokerName == acc1.brokerName && accountId == acc1.accountId && orderType == ORDER_TYPE.OP_SELL) {
				acc1TradeId = tradeId
			if (brokerName == acc2.brokerName && accountId == acc2.accountId && orderType == ORDER_TYPE.OP_BUY) {
				acc2TradeId = tradeId

		if (acc1TradeId == null) {
			sendOrder(acc1.brokerName, acc1.accountId, acc1.symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_BUY, 0, 0, volume, 0, 0, "")
		} else {
			closeTrade(acc1.brokerName, acc1.accountId, acc1TradeId)

		if (acc2TradeId == null) {
			sendOrder(acc2.brokerName, acc2.accountId, acc2.symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_SELL, 0, 0, volume, 0, 0, "")
		} else {
			closeTrade(acc2.brokerName, acc2.accountId, acc2TradeId)
	} else if (ask2 < bid1) {
		var tradeNum = getOpenTradesListLength(context)

		var acc1TradeId = null
		var acc2TradeId = null

		for (var i = tradeNum - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			var trade = getOpenTrade(context, i)
			var brokerName = getBrokerName(trade)
			var accountId = getAccountId(trade)
			var tradeId = getTradeId(trade)
			var orderType = getOrderType(trade)
			if (brokerName == acc2.brokerName && accountId == acc2.accountId && orderType == ORDER_TYPE.OP_SELL) {
				acc2TradeId = tradeId
			if (brokerName == acc1.brokerName && accountId == acc1.accountId && orderType == ORDER_TYPE.OP_BUY) {
				acc1TradeId = tradeId

		if (acc2TradeId == null) {
			sendOrder(acc2.brokerName, acc2.accountId, acc2.symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_BUY, 0, 0, volume, 0, 0, "")
		} else {
			closeTrade(acc2.brokerName, acc2.accountId, acc2TradeId)

		if (acc1TradeId == null) {
			sendOrder(acc1.brokerName, acc1.accountId, acc1.symbolName, ORDER_TYPE.OP_SELL, 0, 0, volume, 0, 0, "")
		} else {
			closeTrade(acc1.brokerName, acc1.accountId, acc1TradeId)